Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Walking Across Egypt - 943 Words

Mattie Rigsbee is the main character in Clyde Edgerton s southern style novel, Walking Across Egypt. Mattie is a seventy-eight year old widow with two middle-aged children. Living alone in a small house, she makes sure that everything is taken care of. She cooks, cleans, mows the lawn, and takes up numerous responsibilities with the church. She is a very caring person with many friends and a family that loves her dearly. At the time this novel takes place, Mattie is at a turning point in her life. Confusion disturbed her, because the things that people are telling her are not the words that she is ready or willing to hear. Although begins to display some signs of aging, and her family is trying to convince her to slow down her lifestyle,†¦show more content†¦She even is laughing about falling through the bottom of the rocking chair even though she was worried about injuring herself at the time it happened. And she sends her children through a loop when she decides to raise t he juvenile, Wesley, in her home. Her family is totally against her decisions, but she seems to be rather confident in how things have turned out, and has made some large plans for her future. She seems to feel that God has kept her for a reason, and she must give every effort to fulfill His wishes and give aid to Wesley in his time of need. Although she is beginning to display some signs of aging and her family tries desperately to have her slow her life down, Mattie Rigsbee has a strong character that is prohibiting her from becoming the stereotypical elder. She has made a decision in her life on which road that she will take to begin the rest of her life. She has not turned onto the dead-end road of reminiscence, disability and dependence, but rather onto the long, fulfilling road of life, happiness, and salvation. 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